I’ve been working as a photographer for a magazine and a real estate company, riding my black Vespa through the city, videotaping a psychedelic metal band, and I was in love. I was always running somewhere or photographing something, but I was not ready to be alone with myself. The bright side of this period was that at the moments of my escape I felt the brightest joy. Hitchhiking in Europe, and when I plunged into music and fell in love, I was dissolved and felt myself free. The black side was that it all ended quickly, left only the void behind. My friend whom I have known since childhood, has died. Everything was falling apart, like a house of cards, it was painful to give up the illusions. I was left alone and learned to live with myself. I chose photos taken in moments of vivid emotions, all of them are connected by one line. It was a period of my life when I was unable to cope with the pain, but the feeling of the beauty of the world never left me.